Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Thanks for the fun!

I love teaching writing. One of the reasons is really the fun from reading students' work. Stories like this bring you not just the pleasure of reading, but quite a few laughs as well. Thanks Ingrid!

Monday, 28 April 2014

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Yanni gets a breathing hole

Noel's story makes me want to have a breathing hole too! It will be so nice to have a breathing hole in the summer!

The Secret of Public Speaking: Vision and Sincerity

You dare to dream and it comes from your heart.

Here comes a good example recommended by Ms Leung:

Aaisha Bibi's Speech

Thank you Ms Leung!

The Secret of Public Speaking: Enthusiasm

Be enthusiastic!

Click here for a good example:
Satara's Speech

Thank you for Ms Leung's recommendation. I am touched.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

The Little Prince

This audio book is so beautiful! It's like music.

Le Petit Prince Audio Book

The little prince has finally found the answer for his question:

What makes a rose so important?

It helps me to answer my questions:

What makes a word so important?

What makes a friend so important?

What makes a child so important?

Merci beaucoup le petit prince.

Thursday, 17 April 2014








Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Where is the sun?

             The sun is on the floor.
             The sun is behind the cupboard.

             The sun is on the window.
             The sun is in the glass.

             The sun is on my hair.
             The sun is on the teacher's head. 

             The sun is on my glasses.
             The sun is on my toes!

                        -- by Kylie Chui K3, on a sunny Wednesday morning

Sunday, 6 April 2014

I'm very careful!

When Bitbit was a P1 student, he always made spelling mistakes.

He spelt 'beautiful' as 'beatful'.
He spelt 'school' as 'shool'.
He spelt 'mother' as 'mothe'.
He spelt 'house' as 'horse'.
He spelt 'girl' as 'gril'....

His mother always told me that he was not careful.
'I'm very careful,' said Bitbit.

Bitbit was right. He was very careful.

'Bitbit is very careful and he is very attentive in class,' I agreed.

His mother was happy to hear that and she believed what Bitbit said.

Bitbit took a big bite of a thirty-second note -- his favourite snack -- he was happy too.